
First Light Blog

How Mothers Represent God—Lauren Rice

How Mothers Represent God—Lauren Rice

With the privilege of being created in God’s image comes an immense responsibility. God created us in His own image so that we could reflect aspects of His character to the rest of creation. Yet God did not create just one kind of human in His image. God created a...

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What Makes Your Work Valuable?—Lauren Rice

What Makes Your Work Valuable?—Lauren Rice

You work hard, there is no doubt about that. But how do you know if your work matters, if it is valuable or worthless? As finite humans, we tend create standards of success for our work and base the value of our work on those arbitrary standards. Some people measure...

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Joy in a Troubled World — Lauren Rice

Joy in a Troubled World — Lauren Rice

Opening the news app first thing in the morning can be one of our biggest mistakes. When we read about what is happening in our nation, not to mention worldwide, it is easy to allow sadness and discouragement to cloud our day. The world seems so troubled with people...

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