Gerbil-w800If you have ever had a gerbil on the loose in your living room, I am sure that you could confirm for the rest of us that they like to run, or whatever you call the motion of a rodent in high gear!

I am guessing that this is the reason for the miniature “Ferris wheel” that gerbil owners put in their gerbil’s cages. The little critters can run for miles within the confines of their small world, going nowhere, but spinning their wheel furiously.

Maybe this looks a little like your December. (Join the club!) Perhaps you are spinning your wheel with no destination other than December 25th and with no progress but the check marks on a crowded list. It is possible to expend a lot of worry and energy and still be no closer to Christ for it all.

Perhaps the wise men who traveled from afar to greet the young Child Jesus would be a better picture for our actions to paint. The wise men knew where they were going and Who they wanted to see when they arrived. They wanted to go wherever it was that they would find Christ.

Camels are slow and the distance was great, but they were focused. Maybe we should reconsider any action in December that overwhelms our focus on Jesus.

Rejoice! Celebrate, and don’t “gerbil” your way through December.

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