West Branch Staff
Evangelist Troy Carlson
Director, West Branch; Vice-President, Bill Rice Ranch
While receiving training in Bible college to be an evangelist, Brother Carlson began working as a summer staff counselor at the Bill Rice Ranch. Following three summers of ministry, Brother Carlson joined the full-time staff of the Ranch as a staff evangelist and the program director of the summer camps. In 1999, the Carlsons moved to Flagstaff to take the reins of West Branch. God has used two and a half decades of ministry with West Branch to give the Carlsons a love for the West—its people and its churches. He continues his work as an evangelist through local church meetings and West Branch on the Move. He and his wife, Sara, have two children, Abby, staff of Bill Rice Bible College in Tennessee, and Nathan, a Christian school teacher in Arizona. Troy and Sara live on the West Branch property in Williams, Arizona.
Evangelist Wil Rice
President, Bill Rice Ranch
Brother Rice grew up with a first-hand view of revival ministry while traveling with his father, Evangelist Bill Rice III, and also seeing the summer ministries of the Bill Rice Ranch. Later God confirmed His call for Brother Rice to be an evangelist himself. Following his grandfather and father, both of whom served as president of the Bill Rice Ranch for 25 years each, Brother Wil Rice was installed to direct the ministries in the summer of 2003. As president, he directs the many facets of the Ranch including summer camps, seasonal retreats, and outreaches. He also travels frequently in local church revival meetings and regional conferences. He lives with his wife, Sena, and their family on the Ranch outside of Murfreesboro, Tennessee. He is regularly involved in West Branch ministries as a speaker and also provides much vision and leadership for the work in the West.
Evangelist Bill Rice III
Assistant to the President, Bill Rice Ranch
While it was Bill Rice II, the founder of the Bill Rice Ranch, who had the original burden for a Bill Rice Ranch camp extension in the West, it was Bill Rice III who saw it come to pass. For many years, Brother Rice looked for property in the West to begin a new camp. The Lord brought that to pass in 1989 through miraculous means as West Branch was established in Flagstaff. With a life-long love for the West, Brother Rice is still very active preaching in the West and providing input for the developing ministries of West Branch. Still spending many months out of the year on the road, he and his wife, Mary, base out of the Ranch in Tennessee.
West Branch has always been a pioneering work. This was certainly true as the first fourteen buildings on the Williams property were constructed under the leadership of veteran missionary builder Harry Lippert. Harry himself grew up coming to the Bill Rice Ranch in Tennessee with his family to help in the early construction stages there. From 1998-2006, Harry and Bev lived on the West Branch Williams site and directed other volunteers who came to help us build. From March 2013-July 2016, Bill Bach served as the project coordinator to guide us through the several phases of development still needed to complete the project. Without their volunteer service and the service of many other volunteers over the years, this ministry could not exist.
Joshua and Dee Dee Porter joined our resident staff in June 2019 to serve in facilities, food service, and anything else that is needed! They live with their son Elijah on the West Branch property.
Summer & Seasonal Staff Needed! Each year we look for about 25 additional volunteers to make summer camp happen. Positions include kitchen staff, counselors, program staff, medical and facilities staff, etc. Many come from conservative Bible colleges or are friends from around area churches. Some have come to us from as far away as Siberia and Haiti! Contact us for more information on volunteer requirements and application information. We also benefit from a number of volunteers at our various seasonal retreats. Eventually, we would love to have some who donate their time on a regular basis in food service or maintenance. For more information about you may be able to help this Christian ministry, please contact us.
Bill Rice Ranch Staff
West Branch could not exist without the contributions of numerous full-time Bill Rice Ranch staff members who live in Tennessee. Ranch staff work day to day on West Branch responsibilities in accounting, graphic design, web design, publications, and other areas of organization. Also, a number of staff have made trips to regional conference sites to help with music and children’s ministry. Some have traveled to our development site to help with maintenance, lumber milling, and other facility projects.